
Scritti dal Carcere – Quaderni di un Anticolonialista Angolano | 2022, Bologna: Meltemi

Scritti dal carcere is a selection of texts made by the author himself from his Papéis da Prisão [Prison Papers], published in Portugal, in 2015. The materiality of these papers is fragile and accounts for 2000 handwritten sheets. The process of writing of this book has as its chronological terms and spatial limits the writer's entry into the PIDE Detention Pavilion, in Luanda, in 1961, and his exit from the labour camp in Tarrafal, in 1972. During these twelve years in prison, José Luandino Vieira recorded his vision of prison as an exceptional observatory of the Angolan nation, expressed his political and literary projects, and highlighted the community project of Angola as a vehicle of union and resistance, of collective anxieties and dreams. The writings are dated and have a remarkable human, literary and political value in relation to the liberation struggles of the Angolan nation, to the literary project of the author José Luandino Vieira and, in general, to Angolan history and literature.

José Luandino Vieira is one of Angola's greatest writers and one of the main voices of Portuguese-speaking Africa. Portuguese by birth, Angolan by choice, he paid with imprisonment for his opposition to Salazar's fascist and colonialist regime.

Italian translation by Elisa Scaraggi.


The work can be purchased HERE.